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The Gabriel Hansen Foundation case study (lifetime value)

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The Gabriel Hansen Foundation (lifetime value)

The Gabriel Hansen Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to raise money to finance the Gabriel Hansen Institute’s research activities. After a few years of rapid growth, the amount of funds the Institute was able to raise flattened out, while the Institute’s needs continued to grow. To save some expense, management wants to discontinue the donor acquisition campaign next year. The student must use lifetime value to determine if this is a reasonable cost savings option or if the lifetime value of the new donor outweighs the savings.

Managerially complex

A case study is deemed managerially complex when its solution is ambiguous, unclear, or requires extensive judgment calls; it is best suited for advanced students or executive education settings.

Technically complex

A case study is deemed technically complex when its solution requires extensive data manipulation, or when it requires to juggle with more than one marketing model.


Some case studies depict historical problems taking place decades ago. While graduate students and executive education participants have no problem with these cases, undergraduate students might find them dated.

  • Registered instructors can freely evaluate all Enginius case studies. Register here.
  • You can purchase each case study individually, or as part of a package.
  • Each case study contains a data set, a case problem (pdf), and a case solution (pdf). The pdf files available on the main case study page linked above. Lookout for these links:

Northern Aero case study (lifetime value)

Northern Aero (lifetime value)

Northern Aero is determining the value of their customer as well as their airline loyalty program. Using customer lifetime value, Northern Aero must determine the value of each customer segment and the return on investment of its loyalty program.

Managerially complex

A case study is deemed managerially complex when its solution is ambiguous, unclear, or requires extensive judgment calls; it is best suited for advanced students or executive education settings.

Technically complex

A case study is deemed technically complex when its solution requires extensive data manipulation, or when it requires to juggle with more than one marketing model.


Some case studies depict historical problems taking place decades ago. While graduate students and executive education participants have no problem with these cases, undergraduate students might find them dated.

  • Registered instructors can freely evaluate all Enginius case studies. Register here.
  • You can purchase each case study individually, or as part of a package.
  • Each case study contains a data set, a case problem (pdf), and a case solution (pdf). The pdf files available on the main case study page linked above. Lookout for these links:

SyPhone case study (lifetime value)

Syphone (lifetime value)

In this case, Syphone is a cell phone company trying to understand the value of their existing customer base. Using customer lifetime value, Syphone must determine the value of existing customer segments and determine how much a new prospective customer is worth.

Managerially complex

A case study is deemed managerially complex when its solution is ambiguous, unclear, or requires extensive judgment calls; it is best suited for advanced students or executive education settings.

Technically complex

A case study is deemed technically complex when its solution requires extensive data manipulation, or when it requires to juggle with more than one marketing model.


Some case studies depict historical problems taking place decades ago. While graduate students and executive education participants have no problem with these cases, undergraduate students might find them dated.

  • Registered instructors can freely evaluate all Enginius case studies. Register here.
  • You can purchase each case study individually, or as part of a package.
  • Each case study contains a data set, a case problem (pdf), and a case solution (pdf). The pdf files available on the main case study page linked above. Lookout for these links: