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Planning Robinhood’s Response to the GameStop Debacle (sentiment analysis)

Set in 2021, the Robinhood case tracks the sentiments expressed via Twitter as Robinhood (the discount, online investment platform) processed orders for GameStop stock during January 2021. The volatile nature of GameStop trading caused Robinhood to take some restrictive measures that were not popular with their customers. By analyzing the Twitter data, students will learn about the opportunities and challenges of using social media data in business decision making.

Instructors: Visit our video library for an overview video of the Robinhood case.

Managerially complex

A case study is deemed managerially complex when its solution is ambiguous, unclear, or requires extensive judgment calls; it is best suited for advanced students or executive education settings.

Technically complex

A case study is deemed technically complex when its solution requires extensive data manipulation, or when it requires to juggle with more than one marketing model.


Some case studies depict historical problems taking place decades ago. While graduate students and executive education participants have no problem with these cases, undergraduate students might find them dated.

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  • Each case study contains a data set, a case problem (pdf), and a case solution (pdf). The pdf files available on the main case study page linked above. Lookout for these links: